Professor Anthony Weetman will be on the RareCareUK advisory board

Professor AP Weetman

Professor Anthony Weetman will be on the RareCareUK advisory board

RareCareUK is delighted to annnounce that Professor Anthony Weetman (MD DSc FRCP FMedSci) has agreed to join the RareCareUK advisory board.

Professor Weetman is Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Medicine, Dentistry and Health, Chair of the Medical Schools Council, Chair of the UK Health Education Advisory Committee and also a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust at The University of Sheffield.

Dr Shara Cohen, founder for RareCareUK said

“I have known Tony for over 30 years and am very excited to have him on board, for the wealth of experience he will bring to the charity”

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