Category: News

RareCareUK, Euroscicon, and Cancer Care Parcel in Partnership

Yesterday Euroscicon Ltd facilitated a partnership between RareCareUK  and Cancer Care Parcel. Rare Care UK is a newly formed initiative to supply care for Rare Diseases when it can’t be found through standard channels. The Charity Chair – Charlene Blake met with staff at Cancer Care Parcel yesterday to set up a collaboration which will enable Rare Care UK to reach its aims much […]

Rare Care UK – Inaugral commitee meeting

Rare care UK was officially established on the 17th Nov when the first commitee meeting took place in a cafe in Whetsone, London. Founding members present were Dr Shara Cohen – Charity founder and trustee Charlene Blake – Charity chair Sue Harris – Family Liasion Honi Pein – DOE coordinator Apologies from Linda Bryant- charity trustee The […]

Dr Sarah Lotzof joins the RareCareUK scientific/medical advisory board

Rare Care UK is delighted to announce that Dr Sarah Lotzof, is joining the Scientific/Medical advisory board of RareCareUK. Dr Lotzof founded Chase Lodge Hospital, the first GP-led private hospital in the UK.  She has special interest in Paediatrics The elderly Obstetrics Gynaecology Psychiatry She is a welcome addition to the newly formed scientific/medical advisory board and we aim to use Dr Lotzof’s knowledge of […]

Professor AP Weetman

Professor Anthony Weetman will be on the RareCareUK advisory board

RareCareUK is delighted to annnounce that Professor Anthony Weetman (MD DSc FRCP FMedSci) has agreed to join the RareCareUK advisory board. Professor Weetman is Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Medicine, Dentistry and Health, Chair of the Medical Schools Council, Chair of the UK Health Education Advisory Committee and also a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust at […]

Bringing Familial Dysautonomia Specialists Together

RareCareUK sponsors Euroscicon Ltd, have created a Dysautonomia session in its Metabolic Diseases Event. This event, which will take place in London on the 20th -22nd September 2016, will provide a unique opportunity for international Familial Dysautonomia experts  (a disease which affects less than 20 people in the UK) to get together and discuss current research and coordination of care. Confirmed Speakers include Professor Horacio […]

Shara Cohen and Timothy Cox

RareCareUK founder meets with Cambridge Professor Timothy Cox

At the end of July Dr Shara Cohen, the founder of RareCareUK met with Professor Timothy Cox to discuss launching RareCareUK Professor Cox has a long-standing research interest in the rare diseases. His laboratory is currently developing gene therapy for serious neurodegenerative disorders, including Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases and plays a major role in researching the causes of, and developing treatments for, Krabbes disease and Gaucher disease. […]

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