RareCareUK sponsors Euroscicon Ltd, have created a Dysautonomia session in its Metabolic Diseases Event.
This event, which will take place in London on the 20th -22nd September 2016, will provide a unique opportunity for international Familial Dysautonomia experts (a disease which affects less than 20 people in the UK) to get together and discuss current research and coordination of care.
Confirmed Speakers include
- Professor Horacio Kaufmann, MD FAAN, Medicine and Pediatrics. Axelrod Chair for Dysautonomia Research, New York University School of Medicine, NY, USA
- Mrs Rosalee Gefen, The Zinman College of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Wingate Institute, Netaney, Israel
- Dr Su Laurent, Consultant Paediatrician, The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
- Dr Robin Lachmann, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK